Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thoughts part 1 From a single man

To all those in relationships, cherish the one you're with, you don't realize how good you have it. Don't let the ego & pride get in the way of something that isn't broken and therefore doesn't need fixing. Too many times people ruin something that could have been great out of the fear of MAYBE getting hurt. But you owe it to yourself to take that chance especially in today's world, where truth be told women are just as bad if not worse than men nowadays in regards to the unfaithfulness, lies, & sneakiness. FYI, I admire all those women who have chosen not to stoop to the level of them guys that give men like me a bad name. Too many times relationships end just because of selfishness. If you say you love someone yet refuse to open yourself up to what they love or love to do, is it really love or simply an extended good time? Compromise & opening yourself up to trying new things is a must if you wanna keep a relationship, along with the given communication & trust. Stop looking at her/him as someone who did you wrong in the past, understand its someone new who can easily be someone you pushed away, if you don't smarten up. Come on there's nothing like waking up next to someone you adore & know she is yours. Someone who when you look deep into her eyes, you are at a loss for words, while your mind envisions what paradise looks like with her by your side. Some people jump into marriage cause they found someone who can tolerate them, yet instead of understanding they no longer single, they do the exact same thing they were doing before, so why get married? Never understood that. I also never understood why so many women stay in abusive relationships and/or ones with obvious cheating, why? Those that stay in it for the kids, that is somewhat understandable, unless of course they exhausted the possibility of working it out. Believe me the kids would be much better off with 1 parent then having to watch their mother get beaten for not having the food ready in time or what have you. Trust think about it when you say for the kids. Now there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, we all know that, but there are ones close enough to it that are worth fighting for. Let me say this, the ONE might have broken your heart, but have you ever stopped to think, you might be pushing away the ONE from healing that very heart.

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